Activating the CAP allows the user to perform multiple actions simultaneously without penalties. There are several actions that commonly take advantage from this.
Innately, the user is considered to have one stream of consciousness, meaning with only one stream they must choose between controlling their own body OR one other function, in which case their IRIS gently lowers the unresponsive body into a rest position wherever it currently happens to be.
For each stream, one entity may be actively controlled, meaning that with two additional streams, the Character may control their normal body functions, a second weapon and a drone simultaneously, or three drones while leaving their body inactive.
The user remains distantly aware of their own body, but cannot make any tests using it, including Perception. The Character can only be forced to refocus on their own body if they are attacked, at which point IRIS will automatically intervene for its host's safety and sever ALL other connections.
Functions benefitting from multiple streams of consciousness are:
DUAL WIELDING - When wielding a weapon in each hand, a penalty of -20AP is normally applied. This is because the Character cannot concentrate on the use of the second weapon, greatly reducing its effectiveness. With at least one extra consciousness stream however, each weapon can be controlled independantly, fully negating the penalty. This also requires the Character to retain normal control over their body. It is not possible to use a single arm as a stationary, weapon firing turret.
DRONE CONTROL - Taking active control of a drone allows the Character to substitute their own Traits and Skills for those of the drone. This includes the use of the Character's 15 Turn AP, divided as the Player chooses between all active drones and their own body. As normal, a given test may only be used once per round, and any Augs used only affect the Character themselves. This means Grit AP cannot be applied to drones. Each Stream of consciousness allows one entity to be controlled at the same time, either one drone or the user's own body.
INTERFACING - When using the Interface skill to manipulate technology, such as computers, robots or the brain functions of other IRIS users, each stream of consciousness allows one connection to be maintained at the same time. This allows the Character to control multiple systems, drones, or other humans at the same time, should the opportunity arise. When controlling drones or humans, see the rules for Drone Control above.