Gear represents equipment that a Character can wield or wear, such as weapons and armor. The strengths of Gear are the offensive and defensive potential it can offer, along with its simplicity. Gear can be bought, used, upgraded or discarded at will, so long as the Character can afford it, though lacking the requirements for gear levies significant penalties. For each missing rank in a required Trait or Passive, the Character suffers a -5AP penalty when using that gear.
Gear Index:
Weapons are the primary method of dealing damage in combat, allowing Characters to defeat their foes. Most weapons deal one or more of three main damage types when used:
These special effects simulate attacks which can unbalance, knock down, or tranquilize a target, restricting their actions and in some cases disabling them completely. There are also several weapon modifications and alternative ammunition loads which grant various benefits. Please see their respective sections below for details.
Each piece of Gear or Aug requires a given level of the Carry or Acuity passives to equip. Characters who do not meet the requirement may still attempt to use the item, but will suffer a penalty of -5AP for each missing point in a required Passive. This penalty is applied once per round, any time the equipment is used. Augs cannot be installed if the requirements are not met. ( see the Trait Map for details on Passives)
Weapons List
Weapon Mods
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Most weapons support a variety of modifications which can change or improve aspects of their performance. These mods vary greatly in purpose and in price.
Pistol Mods - Includes all Pistols and Hand Cannons
Pistol Mods - Includes all Pistols and Hand Cannons
Long Barrel - Cost: 500
A long barrel grants the weapon +5AP when making attacks outside its effective range, but levies a -5AP penalty when making attacks in confined spaces, such as inside buildings or in dense woods. Normally, making attacks outside a weapon's effective range levies a -5AP penalty for each multiple of the range exceeded. Normally making attacks in confined spaces levies a -5AP penalty for each degree of movement used that round: -5AP for walk, -10AP for run and -15 for Sprint, in addition to normal movement penalties of -5AP for run and -10AP for Sprint. This mod does not influence the natural 5AP resistance to confined space penalties that Pistols possess.
Short Barrel - Cost: 500
A short barrel grants the weapon +5AP when making attacks in confined spaces, such as inside buildings or in dense woods, but levies a -5AP penalty when making attacks outside its effective range. This penalty is only applied once; it does not stack for each multiple of range exceeded, as long range penalties do. Normally, making attacks in confined spaces levies a -5AP penalty for each degree of movement used that round; -5AP for walk, -10AP for run and -15AP for Sprint, in addition to normal movement penalties of -5AP for run and -10AP for Sprint. This mod does not influence the natural 5AP resistance to confined space penalties that Pistols possess.
Suppressor - Cost: 2k
When a source of detection uses Perception to detect the sound of gunshots, a Suppressor forces a -10AP penalty on the attempt. This does not enhance Stealth tests, nor does it force penalties to detect other emmisions, such as light or heat.
Sling - Cost: 500
When dropping a weapon as a Quick Action to instantly free the Characters hands, the weapon no longer requires 5AP to recover and will not be left behind when the Character moves. Any number of weapons in a Character's possession may have a sling, but only 1 weapon may be actively slung at a time, meaning the benefits are not applied to any other weapon.
SMG Mods - Includes all SMGs
SMG Mods - Includes all SMGs
Long Barrel - Cost: 500
A long barrel grants the weapon +5AP when making attacks outside its effective range, but levies a -5AP penalty when making attacks in confined spaces, such as inside buildings or in dense woods. Normally, making attacks outside a weapon's effective range levies a -5AP penalty for each multiple of the range exceeded. Normally making attacks in confined spaces levies a -5AP penalty for each degree of movement used that round: -5AP for walk, -10AP for run and -15 for Sprint, in addition to normal movement penalties of -5AP for run and -10AP for Sprint. This mod does not influence the natural 5AP resistance to movement penalties that SMGs possess.
Short Barrel - Cost: 500
A short barrel grants the weapon +5AP when making attacks in confined spaces, such as inside buildings or in dense woods, but levies a -5AP penalty when making attacks outside its effective range. This penalty is only applied once; it does not stack for each multiple of range exceeded, as long range penalties do. Normally, making attacks in confined spaces levies a -5AP penalty for each degree of movement used that round; -5AP for walk, -10AP for run and -15AP for Sprint, in addition to normal movement penalties of -5AP for run and -10AP for Sprint. This mod does not influence the natural 5AP resistance to movement penalties that SMGs possess.
Suppressor - Cost: 2k
When a source of detection uses Perception to detect the sound of gunshots, a Suppressor forces a -10AP penalty on the attempt. This does not enhance Stealth tests, nor does it force penalties to detect other emmisions, such as light or heat.
Sling - Cost: 500
When dropping a weapon as a Quick Action to instantly free the Characters hands, the weapon no longer requires 5AP to recover and will not be left behind when the Character moves. Any number of weapons in a Character's possession may have a sling, but only 1 weapon may be actively slung at a time, meaning the benefits are not applied to any other weapon.
Shotgun Mods - Includes all Shotguns and Flak Cannons
Shotgun Mods - Includes all Shotguns and Flak Cannons
Long Barrel - Cost: 500
A long barrel grants the weapon +5AP when making attacks outside its effective range, but levies a -5AP penalty when making attacks in confined spaces, such as inside buildings or in dense woods. Normally, making attacks outside a weapon's effective range levies a -5AP penalty for each multiple of the range exceeded. Normally making attacks in confined spaces levies a -5AP penalty for each degree of movement used that round: -5AP for walk, -10AP for run and -15 for Sprint, in addition to normal movement penalties of -5AP for run and -10AP for Sprint.
Short Barrel - Cost: 500
A short barrel grants the weapon +5AP when making attacks in confined spaces, such as inside buildings or in dense woods, but levies a -5AP penalty when making attacks outside its effective range. This penalty is only applied once; it does not stack for each multiple of range exceeded, as long range penalties do. Normally, making attacks in confined spaces levies a -5AP penalty for each degree of movement used that round; -5AP for walk, -10AP for run and -15AP for Sprint, in addition to normal movement penalties of -5AP for run and -10AP for Sprint.
Sling - Cost: 500
When dropping a weapon as a Quick Action to instantly free the Characters hands, the weapon no longer requires 5AP to recover and will not be left behind when the Character moves. Any number of weapons in a Character's possession may have a sling, but only 1 weapon may be actively slung at a time, meaning the benefits are not applied to any other weapon.
Assault Rifle Mods - Includes all Assault Rifles
Assault Rifle Mods - Includes all Assault Rifles
Long Barrel - Cost: 500
A long barrel grants the weapon +5AP when making attacks outside its effective range, but levies a -5AP penalty when making attacks in confined spaces, such as inside buildings or in dense woods. Normally, making attacks outside a weapon's effective range levies a -5AP penalty for each multiple of the range exceeded. Normally making attacks in confined spaces levies a -5AP penalty for each degree of movement used that round: -5AP for walk, -10AP for run and -15 for Sprint, in addition to normal movement penalties of -5AP for run and -10AP for Sprint.
Short Barrel - Cost: 500
A short barrel grants the weapon +5AP when making attacks in confined spaces, such as inside buildings or in dense woods, but levies a -5AP penalty when making attacks outside its effective range. This penalty is only applied once; it does not stack for each multiple of range exceeded, as long range penalties do. Normally, making attacks in confined spaces levies a -5AP penalty for each degree of movement used that round; -5AP for walk, -10AP for run and -15AP for Sprint, in addition to normal movement penalties of -5AP for run and -10AP for Sprint.
Suppressor - Cost: 2k
When a source of detection uses Perception to detect the sound of gunshots, a Suppressor forces a -10AP penalty on the attempt. This does not enhance Stealth tests, nor does it force penalties to detect other emmisions, such as light or heat.
Sling - Cost: 500
When dropping a weapon as a Quick Action to instantly free the Characters hands, the weapon no longer requires 5AP to recover and will not be left behind when the Character moves. Any number of weapons in a Character's possession may have a sling, but only 1 weapon may be actively slung at a time, meaning the benefits are not applied to any other weapon.
Sniper Rifle Mods - Includes all Sniper Rifles and Long Cannons
Sniper Rifle Mods - Includes all Sniper Rifles and Long Cannons
Long Barrel - Cost: 500
A long barrel grants the weapon +5AP when making attacks outside its effective range, but levies a -5AP penalty when making attacks in confined spaces, such as inside buildings or in dense woods. Normally, making attacks outside a weapon's effective range levies a -5AP penalty for each multiple of the range exceeded. Normally making attacks in confined spaces levies a -5AP penalty for each degree of movement used that round: -5AP for walk, -10AP for run and -15 for Sprint, in addition to normal movement penalties of -5AP for run and -10AP for Sprint. This penalty stacks additively with the doubled movement penalties for sniper rifles, meaning this penalty itself is not doubled.
Short Barrel - Cost: 500
A short barrel grants the weapon +5AP when making attacks in confined spaces, such as inside buildings or in dense woods, but levies a -5AP penalty when making attacks outside its effective range. This penalty is only applied once; it does not stack for each multiple of range exceeded, as long range penalties do. Normally, making attacks in confined spaces levies a -5AP penalty for each degree of movement used that round; -5AP for walk, -10AP for run and -15AP for Sprint, in addition to normal movement penalties of -5AP for run and -10AP for Sprint.
Sling - Cost: 500
When dropping a weapon as a Quick Action to instantly free the Characters hands, the weapon no longer requires 5AP to recover and will not be left behind when the Character moves. Any number of weapons in a Character's possession may have a sling, but only 1 weapon may be actively slung at a time, meaning the benefits are not applied to any other weapon.
Machine Gun Mods - Includes all LMGs, HMGs and Auto Cannons
Machine Gun Mods - Includes all LMGs, HMGs and Auto Cannons
Long Barrel - Cost: 1k
A long barrel grants the weapon +5AP when making attacks outside its effective range, but levies a -5AP penalty when making attacks in confined spaces, such as inside buildings or in dense woods. Normally, making attacks outside a weapon's effective range levies a -5AP penalty for each multiple of the range exceeded. Normally making attacks in confined spaces levies a -5AP penalty for each degree of movement used that round: -5AP for walk, -10AP for run and -15 for Sprint, in addition to normal movement penalties of -5AP for run and -10AP for Sprint.
Short Barrel - Cost: 1k
A short barrel grants the weapon +5AP when making attacks in confined spaces, such as inside buildings or in dense woods, but levies a -5AP penalty when making attacks outside its effective range. This penalty is only applied once; it does not stack for each multiple of range exceeded, as long range penalties do. Normally, making attacks in confined spaces levies a -5AP penalty for each degree of movement used that round; -5AP for walk, -10AP for run and -15AP for Sprint, in addition to normal movement penalties of -5AP for run and -10AP for Sprint.
Minigun Mods - Includes all Miniguns and Vulcans
Minigun Mods - Includes all Miniguns and Vulcans
Railgun Mods - Includes all Railguns
Railgun Mods - Includes all Railguns
Long Barrel - Cost: 2k
A long barrel grants the weapon +5AP when making attacks outside its effective range, but levies a -5AP penalty when making attacks in confined spaces, such as inside buildings or in dense woods. Normally, making attacks outside a weapon's effective range levies a -5AP penalty for each multiple of the range exceeded. Normally making attacks in confined spaces levies a -5AP penalty for each degree of movement used that round: -5AP for walk, -10AP for run and -15 for Sprint, in addition to normal movement penalties of -5AP for run and -10AP for Sprint. This penalty stacks additively with the doubled movement penalties for sniper rifles, meaning this penalty itself is not doubled.
Ammunition Types
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Most weapons can support a variety of ammunition types, altering the effect their attacks have on a target. special ammunition is often expensive due to the difficulty in producing large quantities and its specialized uses. The counterpoint to this is that special ammunition puts no additional requirements on the weapon and does not need to be installed like Weapon Mods. Every ammunition type has levels of refinement; more advanced ammunition has greater effects and can employ more effects simultaneously. For each amminition effect combined into a single round, the advancement level is counted as being 1 greater for cost purposes, without increasing the potency of the combined effects. Use the cost of the most expensive ammunition combined.
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Armor is the primary means of defense against being killed. When receiving damage, armor can absorb a certain amount of that damage before any Health is lost. For example, if a Character has 10 armor and 20 health, an attack dealing 20 damage would reduce armor to 0, then reduce Health by 10, since the 20 damage - 10 armor = 10 remaining damage to reduce Health.
Unlike Health, armor does not cause any negative effects when it is reduced to 0, besides the fact that it cannot absorb any more damage. In order to keep absorbing damage, armor needs to be refreshed, which costs the Character Stamina.
When refreshed, armor returns to its full value immediately and the Stamina cost to achieve this is always the same. This means spending Stamina to refresh armor is wasteful when only a small amount of damage has been absorbed. Remember that Stamina is only recovered when the Character sleeps, so use it cautiously.
Natural armor is a special kind of armor that can only be gained using IRIS, in the form of either Traits or Augs. Natural armor is often less plentiful than worn armor, but refreshes itself automatically every round of combat with no Stamina cost to the user.
Natural armor is an intrinsic part of the Character: it is not a piece of equipment and cannot be removed. The Character benefits from natural armor even even when they have no other form of protection.
Natural armor stacks fully with any worn armor. When damage is received, worn armor is damaged first.
Armor List
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Reqirement | Armor Name | Armor Points | Refresh Stam | Armor / AP | Mass | Value |
| | | | | | |
n/a | Clothing | 0 | n/a | n/a | 5 | 200 |
Carry 1 | Lgt. Composite | 60 | 6 Stam | 10 | 10 | 1k |
Acuity 1 | Soft Layer | 80 | 10 Stam | 8 | 12 | 1.5k |
Carry 2 | Med. Composite | 80 | 6 Stam | 13.33 | 12 | 2k |
Acuity 2 | Hybrid Layer | 100 | 11 Stam | 9.09 | 15 | 2.5k |
Reqirement | Armor Name | Armor Points | Refresh Stam | Armor / AP | Mass | Value |
Carry 3 | Hvy. Composite | 100 | 7 | 14.28 | 15 | 3.4k |
Acuity 3 | Advanced Layer | 120 | 12 | 10 | 18 | 4k |
Carry 4 | Fiber Mesh | 120 | 7 | 17.14 | 18 | 5.8k |
Acuity 4 | Reacti-Gel | 150 | 13 | 11.53 | 21 | 6.5k |
Reqirement | Armor Name | Armor Points | Refresh Stam | Armor / AP | Mass | Value |
Carry 5 | Multi Fiber | 150 | 8 | 18.75 | 21 | 9.2k |
Acuity 5 | Dyna-Gel | 180 | 14 | 12.85 | 24 | 10k |
Carry 6 | Omni Fiber | 180 | 9 | 20 | 24 | 14k |
Acuity 6 | Intelli-Gel | 210 | 15 | 14 | 27 | 15k |
Reqirement | Armor Name | Armor Points | Refresh Stam | Armor / AP | Mass | Value |
Carry 7 | | 210 | 9 | 23.33 | 27 | 23k |
Acuity 7 | | 240 | 17 | 14.11 | 30 | 25k |
Carry 8 | | 240 | 10 | 24 | 30 | 50k |
Acuity 8 | | 280 | 18 | 15.55 | 33 | 60k |
Reqirement | Armor Name | Armor Points | Refresh Stam | Armor / AP | Mass | Value |
Carry 9 | | 280 | 10 | 28 | 33 | 65k |
Acuity 9 | | 320 | 19 | 16.84 | 36 | 75k |
Carry 10 | | 320 | 11 | 29.09 | 36 | 80k |
Acuity 10 | | 360 | 20 | 18 | 39 | 100K |
Armor Mods