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Characters > Armor

The general purpose of armor hasn't changed much in the thousands of years mankind has been fighting itself; it allows one person to outlive another. With the advent of nano-technology, armor has reached a new pinnacle, providing not only direct protection, but a host of other advantages as well, from stealth technology, to enhancing the user's athletics and ability to wield heavy armament.

Armor Sets

Name Armor Mod Slots Bulk Value Rarity
Makeshift Tactical 20 1 5 30 Bar 15
Basic Tactical 30 2 10 30 Bar 25
Standard Tactical 45 3 15 50 Bar 35
Improved Tactical 60 4 20 80 Bar 50
Advanced Tactical 80 6 25 120 Bar 70
Makeshift Combat 30 0 10 20 Bar 10
Light Combat 45 0 15 25 Bar 15
Medium Combat 65 1 20 45 Bar 25
Reinforced Combat 90 2 30 70 Bar 40
Heavy Combat 120 3 40 100 Bar 60

Armor Mods