Making Tests
Making tests in Horizon: out of the ashes is a fairly simple process once you're used to it, though it may seem complicated at first. To make the best explanation, it's important to first understand how a Character is built and what the different stats are intended to do.
Skills represent the knowledge, training and practice your Character has with a specific activity. To represent this, your rank in a Skill provides you with a fixed bonus whenever you use that Skill. The bonus is always equal to the Skill's rank.
For example, if you had Stealth rank 4, then you would always get +4 score, whenever you use the Stealth Skill.
Traits represent your Character's fundamental attributes, such as how intelligent they are, how nimble they are and so on. This means that Traits will improve your Passive stats, like Health, Stamina, etc., but also that they may benefit certain Skills when you are more “talented” in the relevant area. When rolling your dice for a test, the number you need to roll is always the same or less than your best Trait for that Skill. Each die that does so gives +2 score. You will always roll 5 d10 dice, regardless.
For example, if your best Trait for a Skill is 6, then every die that rolls 6 or less gives +2 score.
If you rolled 5 d10 dice and 4 of them came up 6 or less, that would give +8 score
Overall Description
- Whenever you make a test, roll 5x D10s.
- Every Skill can use 1 of 2 Traits, the number you need to roll on your dice is your best Trait or less (depending on the Skill.)
- Each die that does so gives +2 Score.
Full Example
Let's say you want to sneak up on someone. Reasons aren't important.
- Sneaking uses the Stealth Skill.
- The Traits for Stealth are Agility or Instinct (whichever is better).
- Let's say we have Let's say we have Stealth 4, AGI 3, and INS 6
- Stealth 4 gives us +4
- INS 6 means we need to roll 6 or less on 5 d10 dice
- If we get 3 successful dice at +2 per die, that gives +6 in total
- +4 and +6 gives a total score of 10 for the test
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