Character Creation

Here we guide you through building a new Character from scratch. There are a lot of options and variations you can make, but following this step-by-step process will make it simple and straightforward. Hopefully.

It's usually a good idea to begin with a concept of what you want your Character to be. Are they a gun-slinging, rebel? A reserved, but imposing social presence? A hacker? A sniper? All of the above? Once you have a good idea where you want to go with development, continue with the steps below.

Once you know roughly who you want the Character to be, start by selecting a few Skills that will define how they play. If they're a hacker, you're going to need the Technology Skill. If you want to play as a mercenary soldier, some kind of combat Skill will be important. Generally, it's a good idea to pick the 3 Skills you feel define the Character most and if you want to add more later, you always can. We are't going to add any ranks to these Skills currently, but you may find that picking 5 or 6 Skills now will leave you very short on Character Points to spend later.

Now that we know what Skills we plan to use most, we can select the Traits which are most valuable to your Character. In the table below, you can see what Skills benefit from what Traits and also what Passive bonuses the Traits offer. Choose the Traits that provide the most benefit for your Character depending on their Skill and Passive needs.