New Player Guide

Hello and welcome! This guide is designed with new Players and Directors in mind and should include all you need to get started with Horizon: out of the ashes! Although many elements of the guide have fuller descriptions than will be needed for experienced Players, most of the core rules needed for play are included here, and the parts omitted are done so to make an easier read, so don't feel you need to leave it behind after your first few sessions!

The guide is divided into two main sections:


This section of the guide introduces new Players and Directors to Horizon; from theme and lore to the basics of how to play the game. The following topics are covered in the Introduction section:

  • What is Horizon: out of the ashes?
  • What is Roleplay?
  • How do I play?

If you're unsure whether you have an interest or not, this is the place to go. If you're new to roleplaying in general, or just curious about the game, descriptions of the Horizon roleplay style may still be of interest to you.

Character Creation

This section of the guide offers a step-by-step process for building yourself a new Character! Whether it's your first, or your fiftieth, it's a simple way to build fun and effective Characters. The following topics are covered in the Character Creation section:

  • The Big Picture
  • Building a Character