Devices are pieces of equipment used by Characters. Unlike Augs, which offer super-human capabilities, or Gear which focuses on attack and defense, Devices fill a more utilitarian role.
Device Index:
Fabricated Autonomous Kaleidoscopic Environment
Alkhimov Oscillator
The Alkhimov Oscillator, developed by Ukrainian combat systems engineer and physicist Samuel Alkhimov is a Device widely feared for its ability to completely disable groups of enemies in a large area. Sometimes referred to as a “K.O.”, or “knock-out” over its formal initials of A.O., the device functions by emitting extreme levels of sound and light in a randomized strobe pattern. This disorients targets within range by overloading their sensory perception in a similar way to the archaic, “flash-bang”, but over a larger area and for a much greater duration.
- When an Oscillator is activated, any Characters, NPCs or animals in the area will be stripped of a large amount of AP.
- To avoid this, the user and their allies must have Oscillator counteractive equipment, consisting of special goggles with built-in ear covers. This equipment must then be synced to the exact oscillator(s) which will be active.
- Syncing can be performed remotely via counteractive gear, but this requires either hacking the oscillator, or knowing the pass-key for the unit.
- The maximum sync range is the same as the Oscillator's effect range.
- With complete counteractive gear in place, there is no negative effect on the user, but this must also be true for any allies to be spared the debilitating effects.
- Breaking line of sight on the oscillator immediately halves its effect. This does not refund AP lost due to the Oscillator's effect.
- Visual or aural Perception test made to locate an active Oscillator receive bonuses. The bonus AP is equal to the potency of its effect. This means, if the Oscillator causes -15AP to targets within range, then a visual or aural Perception test to locate it would receive +15AP. This includes targets both within and outside its range.
- AP damage from an Oscillator may be resisted as normal using the Resiliance Skill. See the Vigor Skills section for details.
- Limited Alkhimov Oscillator - Requires Acuity 4 + Carry 2 —– Costs: variable
- Effect radius: 1m per 500 cost. Max 25m.
- Effect intensity: -5AP per 1k cost. Max -25AP.
- Effect duration: 1 round per loaded charge.
- Loading requires 10AP per charge at melee range. Max 1 loaded charges. Charges cost 1k.
- Counteractive gear costs 2k per set and has a mass of 1Kg.
- Unit has a mass of 10Kg
- Requires 30AP or 2 minutes to deploy.
- Once deployed can be activated remotely for 5AP or in 5s.
- Syncing requires 15AP or 30s.
- Standard Alkhimov Oscillator - Requires Acuity 7 + Carry 3 —– Costs: variable
- Effect radius: 1m per 500 cost. Max 50m.
- Effect intensity: -5AP per 1k cost. Max -50AP.
- Effect duration: 1 round per loaded charge.
- Loading requires 10AP per charge at melee range. Max 3 loaded charges. Charges cost 1k.
- Counteractive gear costs 3k per set and has a mass of 1Kg.
- Unit has a mass of 15Kg
- Requires 45AP or 3 minutes to deploy.
- Once deployed can be activated remotely for 5AP or in 5s.
- Syncing requires 30AP or 1 Minute.
- Advanced Alkhimov Oscillator - Requires Acuity 10 + Carry 4 —– Costs: variable
- Effect radius: 1m per 500 cost. Max 100m.
- Effect intensity: -5AP per 1k cost. Max -100AP.
- Effect duration: 1 round per loaded charge.
- Loading requires 10AP per charge at melee range. Max 5 loaded charges. Charges cost 1k.
- Counteractive gear costs 5k per set and has a mass of 2Kg.
- Unit has a mass of 20Kg
- Requires 60AP or 5 minutes to deploy
- Once deployed can be activated remotely for 5AP or in 5s.
- Syncing requires 45AP or 2 Minutes.
Detectors are highly sensitive devices which read local emissions, then screen out background interference to produce clear information on the user's surroundings. Though limited by a high degree of specialization and directional usage, they are often superior to the Character's own senses nonetheless.
- Detectors operate in a 120-degree cone, centered on the direction the Detector is pointing. This means the Detector can pick up any emissions within 60 degrees to either side, upwards or downwards of the specific direction it points.
- Outside the detection angle, it offers no benefit.
- Detection options include: (sound + vibration), (heat + cold), (light + ultra-violet), (odor), (nuclear radiation), (electricity + radio transmissions) (does not allow transmissions to be interacted with in any way, only detects their source direction)
- A Detector requires 1 hand to operate at all times.
- Performing a sweep with a Detector to check the entirety of a Character's surroundings requires 10AP. Checking only the forward facing hemisphere from the Character's position requires 5AP.
- Limited Detector - Requires Acuity 2 —– Costs: 500
- Detects 2 emission types. Selections cannot be changed after purchase.
- Range is 50m.
- Perception test bonus is +10AP.
- Standard Detector - Requires Acuity 4 —– Costs: 2k
- Detects 4 emission types. Selections cannot be changed after purchase.
- Range is 200m.
- Perception test bonus is +20AP.
- Advanced Detector -Requires Acuity 6 —– Costs: 5k
- Detects all emission types available to a Detector.
- Range is 500m
- Perception test bonus is +30AP
Fabricated Autonomous Kaleidoscopic Environment
The Fabricated Autonomous Kaleidoscopic Environment (FAKE) uses complex imaging and sound replication to create convincing entities or surroundings with no actual substance. These are extensively used in the entertainment industry and have produced several adaptations suited to espionage and tactical warfare.
FAKE Types
FAKE Types
- Projector
- These generate sound and light to form a convincing three-demensional image with believable resolution and audio fidelity. Physical interaction with the projection visibly distorts and disrupts the image, scaling with the degree of interference. Some dust blowing through the projection is likely to go entirely unnoticed, while a large, solid object such as a person moving inside the projection area is likely to cause substantial image interference. Most stationary or near-stationary objects can rapidly be compensated for, only moving objects or those large enough to significantly interrupt line of sight between projector and image cause major problems. The projector may reside within its own hologram. when in doubt, refer to the Director's discretion.
- Particle Cloud
- Releasing a cloud of nano-particles which individually generate tiny amounts of sound and light to create a “mosaic” effect which render sound and imagery completely immersive, even from within the cloud. The particles maintain cohesion through the use of gentle, short range electro-magnetic fields, allowing them to maintain a high enough density for quality projection, while flowing effortlessly around any solid object moving through the area. The primary weakness of this FAKE type is its susceptability to forceful weather conditions when used in open areas. In this event, it may be completely impossible to deploy a projection of any kind. The cloud generator may reside within its own cloud. When in doubt, refer to the Director's discretion.
- Stimulus Override
- A Stimulus Override directly triggers electrical signals in the target's various nerve centers, allowing it to create a “real” environment which can be interacted with in any way, but is entirely limited to the viewer's subjective experience. Due to the method used, this is the most immersive projection type for those within range and does not suffer the drawbacks of other FAKE types, but offers nothing to convince anyone further away than its maximum range, making it most useful when it can be ensured that no person will be able to see the projection zone from outside its reach.
- Before a Character may test to detect a FAKE, they must first have reasonable cause to doubt its realism.
- For example, a cardboard box sitting on the floor of a room is generally not noteworthy in any way, and therefore would not normally allow a detection test. This is because a box is a common object and it is not out of place on the floor of a room, making it a totally believeable sight.
- Passing through an aparrently solid object, seeing some kind of interference in the projection, or seeing something clearly out of place, such as a box hovering in the air, or a perfectly dry box surrounded by rain-soaked ground allows a straightforward Perception test (Instinct dice pool) to detect the presence of a FAKE.
- In cases where the Character must deduce from evidence that a FAKE is in play, the Character should roll a Tech Lore test (Focus dice pool) to detect signs of their being correct. The Character is free to act in a cautious way, even if this test fails, as their suspicions may not have been satisfied; absence of evidence is not neccessarily evidence of absence.
- If the Character has no reason to suspect the presence of a FAKE, even if the Player has deduced this likelihood out of game, the Character should be roleplayed in a sensible manner according to their knowledge. Players and Directors should do their utmost to show respect for each others' enjoyment of the game in these interactions.
- When detecting a FAKE, the Character rolls either Perception or Tech Lore as an Opposed test against the FAKE user's Obscure or Interface test. Obscure is used to demonstrate shrewd placement and choice of content selected for the FAKE, while Interface represents the sheer quality and immersiveness of the illusion. One often compensates for the other, assuming a little common sense.
- Depending on circumstance, a Character or NPC may have to make an act of sheer will to ignore illusory danger or abandon a beckoning paradise. The Character makes a Sustained Action Vigor test (no Skill used), rolling once immediately and again for every 4 hours of in-game time. Once the AP result exceeds the Obscure or Interface test used to set the FAKE, the Character has mustered the will to escape. If the FAKE has been detected, +10AP may be added to each roll. Other Characters and NPCs may also improve the test by making an opposed, non-Scrutinize, Social test. If the assisting actor achieves a positive result, the difference in AP is added to each Sustained Action roll for the Character or NPC still trying to escape the illusion.
- The potency of a FAKE is measured in several categories. To simplify this selection, each property has been assigned a point value, which is then costed depending on the type of unit.
- Limited FAKE (Projector) - Requires Acuity 4 —– Cost: variable
- Maximum projection radius: 2m per 100 cost
- Maximum Quality: 500 for static projections only (stained walls, a statue) - 1k for static or active projections (Burning fire, running water.) - 2k for static, active and reactive images (caged animals that snarl when approached, grass that moves in the wind.)
- Deployment time: 15AP or 30s.
- Suitable sound effects are included at no additional cost.
- Standard FAKE (Particle Cloud) - Requires Acuity 7 —– Cost: variable
- Maximum cloud radius: 2m per 500 cost
- Maximum quality: 5k for static illusons only (dark rooms, shining jewels) - 10k for static and active illusions (creeping insects in the walls, a murmering marketplace.) - 20k for reactive illusions (mists that swirl and billow around the Character, a friendly passerby who recommends the best merchants.)
- Deployment time: 30AP or 1 minute.
- Advanced FAKE (Stimulus Override) - Requires Acuity 10 —– Cost: variable
- Maximum influence radius: 2m per 1k cost
- Maximum quality: 10k for static immersions only (jagged glass in a window frame, delicate silken cloth) - 20k for static and active immersions (shrieking winds whipping at the Character's skin and clothes, the scent of wild grasses on a warm evening breeze) - 50k for static, active and reactive immersions (frantically resisting the death grip of a howling feral, smoothly sinking into the hotspring as a lover smiles coyly)
- Deployment time: 60AP or 2 minutes.
Grapple Line
The Grapple Line is a hand-held tool which fires a bonding device on the end of a long cable. Known as a “Campbel's Urchin”, the device is covered in tiny electro-tensile fibers, which allow it to bind itself to almost any surface near-instantly. Notable exceptions include glass.
- If attatched to the human body, the device causes excruciating pain in a localized area, as the fibers burrow through skin and nerves.
- As long as it is released before being removed, it causes no lasting damage.
- If the device must be removed by force, it will take a sizable chunk of the victim's body with it.
- The launcher makes use of elastic mechanisms to fire and is considered Near-Silent. Detection by sound suffers -5AP per meter of distance from the firing point.
- Limited Grapple Line - Requires: Carry 2 — Costs: 1k
- 30m cable
- In-built winch can lift and lower a maximum weight of (The Character) + (50Kg of equipment).
- Lifts and lowers by 1m per AP spent.
- Firing requires 10AP, rewinding requires 20AP.
- must be rewound after each shot.
- Only has one cable for its working life, if damaged, the unit needs to be replaced or repaired via a 60AP test.
- Deals 30 damage on forcing a rip-out (requires double the max winch weight to be applied on a suitable surface, or a 30AP Unarmed test on living flesh.
- Standard Grapple Line - Requires: Carry 3 — Tool costs: 1.5k, Cables cost: 300 each
- 45m cable
- In-built winch can lift and lower a maximum weight of (The Character) + (80Kg of equipment).
- Lifts and lowers by 2m per AP spent.
- Firing requires 10AP, rewinding requires 15AP.
- Can ditch the cable spool at any time and reload with a new one. Ejecting the existing cable is instant, reloading a new one requires 10AP.
- Must still be rewound after each shot when retaining the cable.
- Comes with 1 cable at purchase.
- Deals 50 damage on forcing a rip-out. This requires double the max winch weight to be applied on a suitable surface, or a 40AP Unarmed test on living flesh.
- Advanced Grapple Line - Requires: Carry 4 — Tool costs: 2k, Cables cost: 500 each
- 60m cable
- In-built winch can lift and lower a maximum weight of (The Character) + (120Kg of equipment).
- Lifts and lowers by 3m per AP spent.
- Firing requires 10AP, rewinding requires 10AP.
- Can ditch the cable spool at any time and reload with a new one. Ejecting the existing cable is instant, reloading a new one requires 10AP.
- Must still be rewound after each shot when retaining the cable.
- Both ends of the cable may be fired independently, linking two objects together. This can be used as a zip-line, trip wire, securing line etc. When both ends are away, the cable is considered ditched and can only be removed by force or by performing a manual release with the device at melee range. After releasing at least one end of the cable, that end can be reloaded into the device, allowing the other end to be released remotely and retracted as normal.
- Comes with 1 cable at purchase.
- Deals 80 damage on forcing a rip-out. This requires double the max winch weight to be applied on a suitable surface, or a 50AP Unarmed test on living flesh.
Mobile Cover Unit
At its heart, Mobile Cover employs heavy armor far too dense to wear as a directional shield. Several advanced systems have been applied to the concept, creating a device that can move on its own, actively tracking damage sources to keep the user safe, or alternatively, it can anchor itself in a nearby surface to create cover where before there had been none, along with other options.
- Any Mobile Cover system is programmed by default to hover just off the user's back when out of use, protecting the direction most vulnerable to surprise. This is considered to protect the user's body and head from rearward attacks in a rearward-centered 90-degree arc.
- When deployed, shields hover approximately 1m away from the Character, giving them room to wield their weapons effectively. This means shields must be repositioned before passing through any normal sized doorway when deployed.
- Weapons do not suffer penalties for being obstructed when shields are deployed, unless the shield has been anchored and is therefore in a fixed position. In this case, penalties are applied as normal, at the Director's discretion.
- Repositioning the shield requires 5AP, including deployment from the passive position and returning it to the passive position.
- Refreshing the armor of the shield costs 10 Stamina and requires the Character to be within 1m.
- To use the Shield as full cover, the Character must crouch, limiting them to walking speed. Otherwise, they must choose to leave either the top or bottom half of their body exposed. The exposed part, being only half-body sized, still forces a Small Target penalty of -5AP on any attacker.
- When in full cover behind a shield, it effectively counts as extra armor.
- Vision is offered through small camera clusters on the outer side of the shield which feed a display on the inner side, resulting in no loss of visibility. Enemies cannot see the Character through the shield in this way.
- Shooting at a Character or NPC crouched behind a shield imposes a Blind Fire penalty of -20AP if they have not attacked or otherwise revealed themselves in the previous round, just as with any other form of full cover.
- When Mobile Cover is employed against melee attackers, the defender has two options: they may pull the shield in for emergency defense, retaining its full armor benefit but losing the ability to attack until the shield is removed or destroyed, -OR- they may use the shield as a hinderance for their enemy, losing any armor benefits, but imposing a -10AP penalty on their attacker and retaining the ability to fight at melee range. Throwing a melee weapon does not trigger this option, it is considered a ranged attack.
- The Mobile Cover system may be crashed as a Quick Action, instantly freeing the Character of the shield, but this leaves the shield wherever it drops and requires 15AP to reboot the system. The Shield must be within 2m of the Character to be recovered by the Anti-gravity binder.
- All MCUs have various options in common, the more advanced the MCU, the more options it can realize in a single device.
- Auto-Response System - The unit gains its own supply of AP, independent from the user. This AP is always used first when directing shields. Each instance of Auto-Response grants the MCU a total of 10AP per round.
- Micro-Generator - Once per round, the Character may refresh the armor of one shield per Micro-Generator, without Stamina or AP cost to themselves. This is considered a Quick Action, meaning that if the Character is fully disabled due to AP loss or other factors, this cannot be activated, even though it requires no AP in itself.
- Auxiliary Shield Controller - For each Aux-Controller, the device may operate one additional shield at the same time. When passive, these stack behind the Character, increasing the armor but not enhancing the protected angle. This is a 90-degree arc, centered directly behind the Character. When active, the shields may be operated side-by-side, widening the standard 90-degree protective angle, as a stack, increasing armor in one direction, or fully separated, offering protection from widely separated directions.
- Tracking System - A tracking system allows one shield at a time to automatically lock onto any target tagged by a HUD or marked with a Target Marker. This shield will continuously adjust its position to protect against attacks from that target. This requires 5AP to lock on after the target has been tagged or marked, but until another order is issued, its position tracks without further instructions or AP costs. If line of sight on the target is lost, the shield will remain oriented towards the target's last known location and will notify the Character that contact has been lost.
- Active Attack Mitigation - One shield per Mitigator gains doubled armor. If a given shield is destroyed, the effect can be transferred to a new shield the next time the Character is able to act. This includes acting out of turn by using Grit.
- Anchor Frame - Fitted with an Anchor Frame, a shield can be fixed onto any surface, forming static cover which can be used by the Character or their allies for protection or to impede enemy movement through doorways etc. One Specific shield gains this function per Anchor Frame. Other functions, such as Micro-Generators function as normal, while any movement-based functions such as Auto-Response no longer affect the fixed shield. Any edge of the shield may be attached to a surface, provided the surface is large enough, solid enough and adequate space is available, at the Director's discretion.
Shield Types:
Shield Types:
- Shields become inoperable if they receive more than double their armor in damage during a single round. When this occurs, the shield drops to the ground where it is and may offer no further protection.
- Recovering the shield must be performed by hand and requires 5AP from the user to pick up as normal.
- Shields can be repaired with the Tinker Skill. The armor repaired is equal to the AP score of the test. Limited to one test per day. Sustained Actions are recommended.
- Light Shield
- Grants 100 Armor
- Costs 500
- Mass of 10Kg when carried manually
- Medium Shield
- Grants 150 armor
- Costs 1k
- Mass of 15Kg when carried manually
- Heavy Shield
- Grants 200 armor
- Costs 2k
- Mass of 20Kg when carried manually
- Limited Mobile Cover Unit - Requires Carry 3 + Acuity 2 —– Costs: 2k
- Limited to light or medium shields.
- Offers a maximum of 2 functions.
- Mass of 10Kg
- Standard Mobile Cover Unit - Requires Carry 6 + Acuity 3 —– Costs: 4.5k
- May use any weight of shield.
- Offers a maximum of 5 functions.
- Mass of 15Kg
- Advanced Mobile Cover Unit - Requires Carry 9 + Acuity 4 —– Costs: 9k
- May use any weight of shield.
- Offers a maximum of 10 functions.
- Mass of 20Kg.
Particulate Imaging Relay
A soft, projectile is fired or thrown to a target point, where it attaches and disperses nano-particles into the surrounding atmosphere. These particles adhere to anything they contact and continuously report their position back to the projectile, creating a real-time three-dimensional map of a small area. This is relayed back to the user remotely through a visor, allowing them to monitor the space without detection.
- The PIR is treated as a Ranged weapon when fired, or a Thrown weapon when thrown. Standard Shooting or Throwing tests are rolled, applying Range and Small Target penalties as normal. The resulting AP are used to calculate the effective dispersal of the particle cloud. See the Devices section below for details.
- The Shooting and Throwing actions are considered generic tests. This means they roll on the Physique Trait as normal, but never benefit from any Skill bonuses and also never suffer the Untrained penalty.
- If a Suppression Field with electrical suppression is active at the location of the particle cloud, the Character's Shooting or Throwing test suffers the full penalties of the Suppression Field. This means the AP used for effective dispersal will be greatly diminished, if not eliminated.
- Enemies marked by the particle cloud remain so until either the duration of the effect ends, or they exceed the maximum signal range.
- The launcher makes use of elastic mechanisms to fire and is considered Near-Silent. Perception tests to detect the sound of firing suffer -5AP per meter of distance from the firing point.
- Throwing the projectile is considered Fully-Silent and may not be detected by sound.
- The projectile is specially designed to land and attach quietly and its impact is considered Near-Silent. Perception tests to detect the sound of impact suffer -5AP per meter of distance from the impact point.
- Limited PIR - Requires Acuity 3 + Carry 1 —– Costs 1k
- Projectile range: 20m
- Dispersal radius: 1m per 1AP on Shooting / Throwing test
- Duration: 2 rounds or 1 minute
- Signal radius: 30m
- Projectiles cost: 200 each.
- Standard PIR - Requires Acuity 6 + Carry 2 —– Costs 5k
- Projectile range: 50m
- Dispersal radius: 2m per 1AP on Shooting / Throwing test
- Duration: 3 rounds or 1 minute 30 seconds
- Signal radius: 50m
- Projectiles cost: 300 each.
- Advanced PIR - Requires Acuity 9 + Carry 3 —– Costs 15k
- Projectile range: 200m
- Dispersal radius: 3m per 1AP on Shooting / Throwing test
- Duration: 5 rounds or 2 minutes 30 seconds
- Signal range: 100m
- Projectiles cost: 500 each.
Suppression Field
The Suppression Field Generator releases active particles held in cohesion by gentle electromagnetic fields. These particles emit carefully controlled energy into the surrounding environment, effectively masking various emissions that would normally give away locations of equipment and personnel. Due to the weak nature of the cohesion fields, solid objects may still pass without noticeable resistance into, out of and through the cloud, but this also makes the zone vulnerable to strong weather conditions an other factors, at the Director's discretion.
- The Suppression Field masks emissions made within its range when detection is attempted from outside.
- Once a detector is within the range of a Suppression Field, the detection penalty provided by the field is halved.
- Emission types which can be masked are: Aural, Electrical, Olfactory, Thermal, Visual.
- The Suppression Field is considered to mask its own presence, regardless of emission types selected.
- Detecting the Suppression Field itself carries the same penalties as whatever it is currently masking, as long as it is active.
- When inactive it is considered inanimate and does not emit noticeable radiation of any kind, like other inactive devices.
- Limited Suppression Field - Requires Acuity 3 + Carry 2 —– Costs 1k
- Imposes a -20AP penalty on detection from outside the field.
- Masks a maximum of 1 emission type. Selections cannot be changed after purchase.
- Maximum supression radius is 10m.
- Duration is 30AP or 2 minutes per charge.
- Charges cost 500.
- Loading a charge requires 10AP, max 1 loaded charge.
- Deployment and retraction each requires 30AP or 1 minute.
- Standard Suppression Field - Requires Acuity 5 + Carry 3 —– Costs 5k
- Imposes a -30AP penalty on detection from outside the field.
- Masks a maximum of 2 emission types. Selections cannot be changed after purchase.
- Maximum supression radius is 20m.
- Duration is 30AP or 2 minutes per charge.
- Charges cost 500.
- Loading a charge requires 10AP, max 2 loaded charges.
- Deployment and retraction each requires 30AP or 2 minutes.
- Advanced Suppression Field - Requires Acuity 7 + Carry 4 —– Costs 10k
- Imposes a -50AP penalty on detection from outside the field.
- Masks a maximum of 3 emission types. Selections cannot be changed after purchase.
- Maximum supression radius is 50m.
- Duration is 30AP or 2 minutes per charge.
- Charges cost 500.
- Loading a charge requires 10AP, max 3 loaded charges.
- Deployment and retraction each requires 30AP or 2 minutes.
Target Marker
The Target Marker is a compact device used to paint targets in ions, so they can be easily identified by allies using electro-sensitive gear. The Marker itself is equipped with such a function, though in the interest of making it as unobtrusive as possible, it has been made so small that it is unable to detect anything other than ion marks.
- The device is touch activated and requires 1 hand to operate.
- Marked targets or locations can be detected by several other Devices and Augs. Check their specific rules for details.
- A generic Shooting test (Physique dice with no Skill bonus) may be used to employ a Target Marker, in addition to Turn AP during combat. Out of combat, marking requires 10s.
- Limited Target Marker - Requires Acuity 2 —– Costs: 500
- Marking a target or location requires 10AP per mark.
- Maximum range is 50m
- Maximum number of marks: 1
- Allies who can detect the mark via any Device or Aug gain +5AP per mark on the target when attacking marked targets or detecting marked targets who have subsequently hidden themselves.
- Standard Target Marker - Requires Acuity 4 —– Costs: 1.5k
- Marking a target or location requires 10AP per mark.
- Maximum range is 150m
- Maximum number of marks: 5
- Allies who can detect the mark via any Device or Aug gain +5AP when attacking marked targets or detecting marked targets who have subsequently hidden themselves. The maximum bonus is +10AP.
- Advanced Target Marker - Requires Acuity 6 —– Costs 2k
- Marking a target or location requires 10AP per mark.
- Maximum range is 500m
- Maximum number of targets: 10
- Allies who can detect the mark via any Device or Aug gain +5AP when attacking marked targets or detecting marked targets who have subsequently hidden themselves. The maximum bonus is +15AP.