This information is from a previous version of the Horizon system and is no longer used.
Skill List
Skill Trees in this list are grouped according to the Trait they test on. This means any Skills in the Focus section will test using the Character's Focus dice pool and so on. There are four Traits; Focus, Instinct, Physique and Vigor. Below is a general description of what type of Skills can be found under each Trait. For more information on Traits themselves, see the Traits page.
Skill List Index
Focus - The Focus Trait specializes in mental Skills, which offer more supportive abilities. Examples of these are medicine, hacking, machining, strategy and trading.
Instinct - The Instinct Trait concentrates on intuitive Skills, which offer specialist capability. Examples of these are stealth, awareness and social manipulation.
Physique - The Physique Trait empowers physical Skills, which offer greater potency in combat. Examples of these are many different weapon Skills, from fighting bare-handed, to wielding massive heavy weapons.
Vigor - The Vigor Trait enhances survival and performance Skills, which offer resiliance to harm and tenacity in creative expression. Examples of these include resistance to AP or Stamina loss and greater mastery of many passions, such as art, music, and cookery.
Basic Skills
Basic Skills are abilities that every Character or NPC has at least basic competency with. To represent this, Basic Skills never suffer the Untrained or Rank 0 pentalty of -10AP, even if they have not been unlocked. These Skills may not have any ranks added to them until they are unlocked as normal, making them completely dependent on dice results until that time. Basic Skills include:
- Common Lore - This Skill represents general knowledge of facts and events relevant to life on Horizon. Rolling on either Focus or Instinct, whichever is higher, a Character may attempt to recall information they have gathered on their travels. When no specialized Lore Skill is relevant, Common Lore is the Skill used to test the Character's knowledge. Any other Lore Skill can also default to Common Lore when the Character lacks the specific Lore Skill needed, but in this case, the Character suffers the Untrained penalty of -10AP for the specific Lore that should have been used.
- This Skill automatically gains 1 rank per Character Level but cannot gain ranks any other way. This reflects every Character's gradual growth of knowledge as they explore the world.
- This Skill can use either Focus or Instinct dice pools; whichever is higher.
Focus Skills
Expertise - Skill - Each rank grants +1AP to all Expertise tests (Strategy, Trade)(ranks can be purchased for 1 Skill Point)
- Strategy - Specialization - Each rank grants +5AP when using the Expertise Skill to strategize. (Ranks can be purchased for 1 Lesser Mastery Point) (A Specialization cannot have more ranks than its parent Skill)
- Strategy represents the ability to formulate effective plans, which give bonuses to Characters when following them.
- Each rank in Strategy grants +5AP when making a plan. Options include;
- Planning for attacks or raids - Objectives may include gaining access to a location, targeted destruction, demoralization, distraction etc.
- Planning an ambush - Objectives may include the advantage of surprise, superior positioning or both.
- Planning infiltration or escape - Objectives may include bypassing security systems, guards and other opposition while remaining undetected during entry and / or departure.
- Ideally, Strategy tests are rolled in advance and take the form of Sustained Actions, making multiple rolls for a single attempt then totalling the results, but they can also be rolled as Standard Actions, rolling only once, if a quick response is needed.
- All Strategy tests are opposed against their targets' best Strategy test. If the Character's Strategy fails to overcome their opponent's result, one or more elements of the plan may be ineffective, or may still succeed but with negative consequences in the long run, depending on the nature of the plan. Wherever possible this choice should be given to the Player: either the plan fails or they make a sacrifice to see it succeed.
- Advance planning is crucial. If the Characters spend several days observing their target and formulating a plan of attack, but the enemy is not similarly prepared, the Characters may have an overwhelming advantage when it comes to the opposed Strategy test, since they will have the benefit of a Sustained Action test with several rolls behind it, while their opponents may only make a Standard Action test to respond, allowing them only a single roll. The benefits of this are detailed below.
- Secret capabilities put their holders at an advantage. For example, if the Characters plan to infiltrate a prison, only to find that it has a complement of guard dogs which they had been unaware of, the Characters must deal with this unfortunate discovery however they are able, since they did not discover it in time to plan ahead. This allows Characters to retreat and revise the plan, when possible, or to make a Standard Action Strategy test with only one roll to adjust the plan in the heat of the moment. This test is also opposed by an enemy Standard Action Strategy test and the totals of each test are added to any existing results. When making opposed Strategy tests, each side may gain +5AP on each roll for any secret advantage they hold, at the Director's discretion.
- The benefit of effective Strategy - For every 10AP advantage Characters have over their opponent in an opposed Strategy test, the Characters gain +5AP whenever their actions conform to part of the plan.
- If the plan dictates use of a stealthy approach and the Characters have a 10AP advantage in the opposed Strategy test, then Stealth tests receive +5AP for all participants.
- If the plan then dictates that Stealth is followed up by eliminating guards, but a Character decides that eliminating the guards is undesirable, they will receive no bonuses to any alternative action they make, such as sneaking past the guards instead of eliminating them.
- If the same Character returns to the plan subsequently, they regain the Strategy bonuses as long as they adhere to it, though the guards they left alive may prove to endanger the plan later.
- When encountering something unexpected, no bonuses will be gained for any action taken to deal with it since an unanticipated factor constitutes a forced deviation from the plan. The opposing party still receives full bonuses when using it as part of their plan however, which makes the unknown a large factor in any Strategy attempt. Characters may always retreat and revise their plan, provided this is both possible and desirable, or alternatively they may make a Standard Action Strategy test to adjust the plan in the heat of the moment. This Standard Action test is also opposed by the enemy however, adding the totals to any other test results for the encounter.
- This Skill is designed to be used as a guideline, so that Characters may spend time in a game gathering information, then applying that information to formulate a plan without involving the Player's own intuition or lack of it. Players and Directors should be respectful each other's efforts when using it.
- Trade - Specialization - Each rank grants +5AP when using the Expertise Skill to trade. (Ranks can be purchased for 1 Lesser Mastery Point) (A Specialization cannot have more ranks than its parent Skill)
- Gain +2AP when making an exchange with another Character or NPC.
- All Trade tests are opposed against the exchange partner; each rolls their own Trade test and results are compared. The side with an advantage gains a benefit in the exchange.
- The value of an item is increased or decreased by 10 credits per 1AP advantage, after which the resulting price must be paid to acquire the item or service.
- In the case of bartering one item for another, it is still possible to gain an advantage. In this case the winner of the opposed test inflates the value of their item or service.
- After making an opposed Trade test, the buyer is convinced of the value, but may still choose not to complete the purchase - simply making the test does not automatically force money to change hands. Sale can be forced, but not through the use of Trade.
Chem Lore - Skill - Each rank grants +1AP to all Chem Lore tests (Craft Chems, Formulate, Chem Expertise)(ranks can be purchased for 1 Skill Point)
- Craft Chems - Specialization - Each rank grants +5AP when using the Chem Lore Skill to craft chemical substances. (Ranks can be purchased for 1 Lesser Mastery Point) (A Specialization cannot have more ranks than its parent Skill)
- Gain +2AP per rank when crafting chemical products for explosives, corrosives, narcotics, medicine, fuel, or deturrents such as pepper spray and tear gas. Craft may only be undertaken as a Sustained Action. difficulty is set at the Director's discretion.
- React - Specialization - Each rank grants +5AP when using the Chem Lore Skill to enhance or neutralize existing chemical substances. (Ranks can be purchased for 1 Lesser Mastery Point) (A Specialization cannot have more ranks than its parent Skill)
- Gain +2AP per rank when modifying chemical products, rendering them inert, reactive or changing their properties. Difficulty is set at the Director's discretion.
- Chem Expertise - Specialization - Each rank grants +5AP when using the Chem Lore Skill to detect or analyze chemical substances. (Ranks can be purchased for 1 Lesser Mastery Point) (A Specialization cannot have more ranks than its parent Skill)
- Gain +2AP per rank when detecting, analyzing, using Reason or using Scrutinize regarding chemistry. This bonus stacks fully with other social, detection and analysis Skills.
Tech Lore - Root Skill - All Tech Lore Skills gain +1AP per rank
- Craft Tech
- Gain +2AP per rank when crafting technological objects, such as computer systems, sensory systems, or networks. Includes Devices from the Armory. Also includes Acuity Gear, but crafting these pieces of equipment requires both Craft Tech and Craft Mech. Crafted objects are considered to have the basic code necessary to function as intended, but to modify them later or to interact with other systems, it is necessary to have the Interface Skill. In the case of technological hardware, the hardware is considered mechanical, while software and anything more complex than simple wiring is considered technology. Craft may only be undertaken as a Sustained Action. difficulty is set at the Director's discretion.
- Interface
- Gain +2AP per rank when modifying technological objects, shutting them down, reprogramming them, reading data from them or most other things generaly thought of as “hacking”. Can also be used to repair damaged code, restore functionality to a malfunctioning or inoperative system etc., provided that system has all its basic operational requirements met, such as a power supply.
- Tech Expertise
- Gain +2AP per rank when detecting, analyzing, using Reason or using Scrutinize regarding technology. This bonus stacks fully with other social, detection and analysis Skills.
Mech Lore - Root Skill - All Mech Lore Skills gain +1AP per rank
- Craft Mech
- Gain +2AP per rank when crafting simple or mechanical products for weapons, vehicles, machines, or structures. In the case of technological hardware, the hardware is considered mechanical, while software and anything more complex than simple wiring is considered technology. Includes non-Acuity Gear from the Armory. Acuity Gear requires both Craft Mech and Craft Tech. Craft may only be undertaken as a Sustained Action. difficulty is set at the Director's discretion.
- Tinker
- Gain +2AP per rank when modifying mechanical objects, repairing, sabotaging, salvaging them.
- Mech Expertise
- Gain +2AP per rank when detecting, analyzing, using Reason or using Scrutinize regarding entities that are material or mechanical in nature. This bonus stacks fully with other social, detection and analysis Skills.
Bio Lore - Root Skill - All Bio Lore Skills gain +1AP per rank
- Craft Bio
- Gain +2AP per rank when crafting medical or biological products, such as Med Packs, Stim Shots, bandages, crutches, splints or casts. Craft may only be undertaken as a Sustained Action. difficulty is set at the Director's discretion.
- Medicine
- Gain +2AP per rank when healing or maligning plants, animals and humans. Healing regenerates Health over time, while Maligning drains Health by the same amount and cancels natural healing in addition. Each 10AP achieved in a Medicine test heals or drains 10 Health per day. This ignores all forms of armor. Additionally, Medicine can restore Crippled body parts. This requires AP equal to the damage of the attack that Crippled the body part in a Medicine test. Some wounds will require that body parts be completely regenerated to heal. This requires a number of days equal to half the damage of the attack that crippled the body part, though this can be reduced by one day for every 10 AP achieved in a Medicine test to regenerate the body part, provided adequate facilities are available.
- Bio Expertise
- Gain +2AP per rank when detecting, analyzing, using Reason or using Scrutinize regarding medicine or biology. This bonus stacks fully with other social, detection and analysis Skills.
Instinct Skills
Stealth - Root Skill - All Stealth actions gain +1AP per rank
- Sneak
- The Character moves without revealing their presence, knowing just where to be at every moment to avoid being seen or heard. The Character gains +2AP for each rank in Sneak when trying to move undetected. All tests are allowed or disallowed at the Director's discretion.
- Conceal
- The Character hides objects on their own body or within the folds of their clothes. Also covers picking pockets and locks. The Character gains +2AP for each rank in Conceal when picking pockets, picking locks or hiding objects on their person. All tests are allowed or disallowed at the Director's discretion.
- Obscure
- The Character is adept at making things disappear, hiding them in plain sight, disguising their true nature, using secret compartments or placing them in spaces that will be easily overlooked. Also includes the ability to cover the Character's tracks, leaving no trace of their passage. The Character gains +2AP for each rank in Obscure when attempting to leave something where it will be difficult to detect, including evidence of the Character's own passage. All tests are allowed or disallowed at the Director's discretion. can be made as a Sustained Action
Awareness - Root Skill - All Awareness actions gain +1AP per rank
- Savvy
- This Skill grants the Character improved ability to seek out a specific objective using a combination of expertise and logic. The target can be almost anything;
- a particular location such as a specific building
- a certain type of location, such as one with an elevated perspective
- an inanimate object such as a particular species of plant
- a person who deals in desired goods or services, like a gunsmith
- a demographic of people, such as elements of the underworld
- a specific person of interest.
- Gain +2AP for each rank in Savvy when attempting to source something of interest. However general the options are, the objective itself must be specific in its remit before a test can be made; it is necessary to know what you are looking for before you can look.
- As a general difficulty guide, please combine the values from the options below, but please note that exceptions can always be made at the Director's discretion:
- Difficulty based on commonality:
- Common: no test required
- Uncommon: 10AP test
- Rare: 20AP test
- Exotic: 30AP test
- Difficulty based on obfuscation:
- Obvious: no test required
- Hidden: 10AP test
- Obscure: 20AP test
- Secret: 30AP test
- Difficulty based on danger:
- No risk: no test required
- Short-term repercussions risk: 10AP test
- Lasting repercussions Risk: 20AP
- Lethal Risk: 30AP
- Difficulty based on specificity:
- General: no test required
- General type: 10AP test
- Specific type: 20AP test
- Only this one will do: 30AP test
- Using the chart we find that locating something common, obvious and general with no repercussions, like, “somewhere I can buy a meal” requires no test, while finding something uncommon, hidden and specific, with short term repercussions such as, “a place to buy marijuana” would require a 40AP test to be made. This makes it unlikely that an untrained Character would be able to easily find something uncommon, let alone something far more difficult to find, such as, “somewhere to buy the exotic drug Mad Kets”. Being Exotic, Obscure and Specific with lasting repercussions if caught, this levies a 90AP test. Even a Skillful Character would require time to locate such an item.
- Remember that the Untrained penalty of -10AP applies to every roll made during a Sustained Action test.
- The Director may use their discretion when determining the difficulty or consequences of such investigation. Be careful where you look; you may find more than you bargained for!
- Tracking
- Gain +2AP per rank when reading signs of passage or investigating evidence left behind after an event. This can include evidence at a crime scene, footprints in the wilderness or most other reasonable evidence that might be left behind as individuals or creatures take action in the world. In some cases, understanding sign may require specific Lore Skills, be it strange chemicals or odd bits of machinery, but even without these, the Character should gain:
- a degree of insight into the target's physical attributes
- a relative concept of how much time passed since the sign was left
- an indication of its arrival and/or departure directions around where the sign was found
- Depending on the environment, there may be exceptions to any or all of these, at the Director's discretion. When lacking necessary Lore Skills, the Character defaults to Common Lore at a -10AP Untrained penalty, since they lacked the needed Lore.
- Perception
- Gain +2AP per rank when using senses to detect nearby conditions, entities or activity. This includes sight, sound, smell, taste, touch along with any sensory modifications from Augs and Devices, if relevant.
- Intuition
- Gain +2AP per rank when attempting to get a “good” or “bad” feeling about something. Intuition represents a Character's gut feeling about something and can often be used to predict, however vaguely, an event or action will turn out.
- Difficulties and results are entirely at the Director's discretion, but as a guideline, the difficulty of an Intuition test should be similar to a Perception or Lore test that would provide greater clarity, but require clues to be present.
- For example, Intuition could not be used to determine what happened at a crime scene, but a positive feeling may indicate that things may not be as disasterous as they seem, given the evidence available.
- As another example, when a third party suggests going on a long trip, the Character may get a bad feeling, but they are unlikely to know exactly why. At the Director's discretion, the Character may be allowed to take a Perception or Lore test to determine the source of the bad premonition. Perhaps the weather will be particularly stormy, but only after the Character is motivated to research this fact will they identify it as a possible cause for their hunch.
Social - Root Skill - All Social Skills gain +1AP per rank
- Coerce
- Gain +2AP when motivating a target through use of force or threats, such as blackmail. In situations where the Character has a physical or psychological advantage over the target, or after a display of ruthlessness, bonuses may be gained at the Director's discretion. For example, having the target at gunpoint with several of their recently deceased allies lying nearby would likely empower a Coerce action significantly.
- Convince
- Gain +2AP when motivating a target through manipulation of their emotions or by raw charisma. In situations where the Character has created a persona of importance or desirability, bonuses may be gained at the Director's discreation. For example, if several Characters pose as bodyguards and allow themselves to be overheard discussing, “their billionaire employer”, the Character playing the part of said billionaire is likely to be taken far more seriously if they were then to offer a “job” that “trustworthy individuals” could hear more about in the “security” of a “more private location”.
- Disguise
- Gain +2AP when the Character poses as someone they are not in order to manipulate targets. In situations where the Character's disguise would be expected or even anticipated, they may gain bonuses at the Director's discretion. For example, one Character could use Interface to sound the target's house alarm, then another Character could employ Disguise, appearing as a representative of the security company coming to reset the alarm system. In this situation, it is quite likely that the Disguised Character would be allowed into the target's home without a second thought.
- Reason
- Gain +2AP when motivating a target through the use of sound logic or empirical facts. In situations where the logic or facts in question can be manifestly evidenced, or in other words, when the facts are staring the target in the face, bonuses may be gained at the Director's discretion. For example, if the Character is alerting a target that they are in danger and should come with the Character to safety, they would be much more successful if the described danger was visible, or proof could be shown, such as a kill order. Reason always requires hard evidence, but as such, it is also the most difficult to disagree with. In situations where evidence contests assertions, evidence usually wins out unless it can be soundly disproven.
- Scrutinize
- Gain +2AP when examining a target to detect use of other social Skills, false motives, or concealed feelings. Scrutinize is the counter to other social Skills in that it is capable of seeing through them, however it has no ability to manipulate targets on its own, merely to protect its user from such attempts. It can also be used to guage a target's emotional state, whether they are anxious or calm etc. For example, the Character could be approached by a dubious individual with a death threat from a third party. Scrutinize could reveal that the individual is highly stressed and attempting to Coerce the Character into a state of fear. After avoiding the Coercion, the Character may learn that the subterfuge was an attempt to buy time, while the mastermind laid a more potent trap for the Character. Armed with Scrutinize, the Character gains a chance to avoid the trap.
Physique Skills
Unarmed - Root Skill - All Unarmed attacks gain +1AP per rank
- Disarm
- Ranks in Disarm grant +2AP to disarming attacks. Counts as a targeted attack on a very small target (-10AP per round used)
- Pressure Point (Stamina damage)
- Ranks in Pressure Point cause -5 Stamina per round. Limit one target per rank.
- Surprise
- Ranks in Surprise grant +2AP to attacks while undetected.
Melee - Root Skill - All Melee attacks gain +1AP per rank
- Ravage
- Targeted attacks reduces the victim's armor by 50 and prevents it from recovering for 1 round. The weakened area counts as a very small target (-10AP per round used).
- Impact
- Ranks in Ravage cause -2AP per round on any target hit. Limit one target per rank.
- Merciless
- Attacks against enemies reduced to 0AP grant +2AP for each rank in Merciless.
Pistol Mastery - Root Skill - All Pistol attacks gain +1AP per rank
- Maverick
- Pistols can be used as melee weapons of the same weight class, such as light, medium and heavy. Ranks in Pistol Whip grant +2AP to pistol melee attacks. Pistol Mastery bonuses to normal attacks and melee attacks do not stack on the same attack. Pistol melee attacks do not use ammunition.
- Agent
- Ranks in Agent grant +2AP when dual wielding Pistols. These bonuses can stack with Maverick if both Skills have at least one rank.
- Cowboy
- Ranks in Cowboy grant +2AP to the first attack after drawing one or more Pistols.
SMG Mastery - Root Skill - All SMG attacks gain +1AP per rank
- Merciless
- Attacks against enemies reduced to 0AP grant +2AP for each rank in Merciless.
- Surprise
- Ranks in Surprise grant +2AP to attacks when breaking Stealth.
- True Grit
- Ranks in True Grit and grant +2AP to SMG attacks after using Grit.
Shotgun Mastery - Root Skill - All Shotgun attacks gain +1AP per rank
- Fatality
- Ranks in Fatality grant +1m Point Blank range.
- Momentum
- Ranks in Momentum grant +2AP to the first attack after moving for at least 5AP.
- Dread - Ranks in Dread grant +2AP to Coerce when within Point Blank range of the target.
Assault Rifle Mastery - Root Skill - All Assault Rifle attacks gain +1AP per rank
- Jack
- Gain any one Weapon Skill from another weapon. It now benefits from ranks in Jack and Assault Rifle Mastery instead of its normal Skills and its bonuses are applied to your Assault Rifle(s) instead of its normal weapon.
- Jack may be taken twice to replicate two different Skills.
- It is not possible to replicate the same effect multiple times.
Sniper Rifle Mastery - Root Skill - All Sniper Rifle attacks gain +1AP per rank
- Positoning
- Ranks in Positioning grant +2AP when making an attack during Stealth or breaking Stealth with an attack.
- Raptor
- Ranks in Raptor grant +2AP when making attacks on small, very small or tiny targets.
- Switch
- Ranks in Switch grant +2AP to attacks with other weapons after switching weapons.
LMG Mastery - Root Skill - All LMG attacks gain +1AP per rank
- Preparation
- Ranks in Preparation reduce LMG reload times by 2AP each. Minimum 5AP.
- Attrition
- Once per round, each target suffers an additional -2AP for each rank in Attrition.
- Sweep
- Ranks in Sweep grant +2AP for each enemy attacked in a single round. Bonus resets every round.
Minigun Mastery - Root Skill - All Minigun attacks gain +1AP per rank
- Discipline
- Ranks in Discipline increase magazine size for your Minigun(s) by 20% of its base magazine size.
- Rend
- Attacks deal +2 Armor Damage for each rank in Rend.
- Stability
- The Character braces their weapon with their full body, losing the ability to move for one full round to gain +2AP per rank in Positioning.
Railgun Mastery - Root Skill - All Railgun attacks gain +1AP per rank
- Concentration
- Railguns may build attacks across multiple rounds, instead of being limited to a single round. The maximum number of chained attacks increases by 1 for each rank in Concentration. This does not limit the maximum number of attacks in a single round, only if more than one round is used.
- Annihilation
- Attacks on specific area of a target permanently reduce the armor in that area by 2 for each rank in Annihilation. The weakened area counts as a very small target (-10AP to hit).
- Long Goodbye
- When making attacks beyond the weapon's effective range, gain +2AP for each rank in Long Goodbye.
Vigor Skills
The Survival Skill improves a Character's atheletics and ability to resist debilitating effects, such as Crippled penalties, AP Drain Stamina Drain. Each rank in Survival grants +1AP whenever it is used.
- Resolve
- Gain +2AP per rank when resisting Crippled penalties. Normally a Crippled body part forces a -20AP penalty to any action using that body part. Resolve allows the Character to overcome these difficulties and even thrive in the state of adrenaline-fuelled desperation brought on by a Crippling Wound. A resolve test can be made once per round of combat; if multiple limbs are crippled, the penalties are cumulative, but the Resolve Spec may still only be used once.
- Resilience
- Gain +2AP per rank when resisting AP damage. Normally, AP damage reduces a Character's AP pool for their next round, depending on the amount of AP damage inflicted. Resiliance allows the Character to overcome the loss of AP and even rebound more energized than ever before; the constant danger impassioning them to incredible feats of agility. The amount of AP restored is equal to the AP gained on the test. Resiliance may only be taken as an immediate response to receiving AP damage and can only be taken once per round.
- Will
- Gain +2AP per rank when resisting Stamina Damage. Normally, Stamina damage reduces a Character's Stamina pool, depending on the amount of Stamina damage inflicted. The Stamina loss does not wear off, and must be recovered naturally. Stims retain normal effects, adding Stamina temporarily, then removing it as the effect expires. For every 5AP gained in a Will test, 1 Stamina is restored to the Character. The test may only be taken as an immediate response to receiving Stamina Damage, and can only be made once per round.
- Athletics
- Gain +2AP per rank when the Character uses their body in an athletic capacity. This includes any climb, vault, jump, crossing of rough terrain, crawl through tight spaces or other such activities. When in doubt, this Skill may or may not be required at the Director's discretion.
Talent - Root Skill - All Talent actions gain +1AP per rank
- Artist
- Gain +2AP per rank when creating art such as sketches, paintings, carvings, sculptures, etc.
- When selling art, the buyer makes a Trade test opposed to the Character's Artist test that was used to create the art. For each 1AP advantage in the Character's favor, they may gain 10 credits by selling the item.
- Even if the buyer beats the Character's Artist result, they may still buy the art, but will be able to name their price unless contested by an opposed Trade test from the Character. In that event, the Character is only able to haggle for 5 credits per 1AP advantage should they succeed.
- NPCs may bid on Character art, in which case the NPCs will roll opposed Trade tests against each other. The Character's Artist test AP will be added to the results, making the final selling price 50 credits for every 1AP rolled by the Character for their Artist test in addition to the AP advantage of the winning bidder. For each item sold at auction, the Character gains an Artist Reputation rank.
- For each Artist Reputation rank, the Character gains +5AP on Artist tests.
- All difficulties, the allowance of Sustained Action tests and their time limits are at the Director's discretion, events should be thematically consistent with the Character's Reputation rank where possible.
- Chef
- Gain +2AP per rank when cooking meals.
- When selling meals, the collective customer base makes an Common Lore test opposed to the Character's Chef test that was used to cook the food. For each 1AP advantage in the Character's favor, they may gain 10 credits by selling the item. This represents the discerning nature of the public and how many customers took interest in the Character's cheffing.
- Even if the customers beat the Character's Chef result, they may still buy the food, but will be able to name their price unless contested by an opposed Trade test from the Character. In that event, the Character is only able to haggle for 5 credits per 1AP advantage should they succeed.
- The Character may provide catering services for NPC events or as a guest chef in restaurants, in which case the Character rolls an opposed Trade test against the client. If the Character has at least 1AP advantage, they may then roll a Chef test and combine the two results. The Character earns 20 credits per 1AP in the final result.
- For each successful catering function or guest chef appearance, the Character gains 1 Chef Reputation rank.
- For each Chef Reputation rank, the Character gains +5AP on Chef tests.
- All difficulties, the allowance of Sustained Action tests and their time limits are at the Director's discretion, events should be thematically consistent with the Character's Reputation rank where possible.
- Dancer
- Gain +2AP when performing as a dancer.
- When making a performance, the Character makes a Dancer test opposed against the audience's collective Perception test. The Character earns 10 credits per 1AP advantage.
- It is possible for the Character to arrange a show, to be attended by NPCs. In this case the character begins by making a Convince test, opposed against the general public they seek to attend their show. As long as the Character has at least 1AP advantage, they may then roll a Dancer test and combine the two results. The Character earns 25 credits per 1AP in the final result.
- For each successful show, the Character gains 1 Dancer Reputation rank.
- For each Dancer Reputation rank, the Character gains +5AP on Dancer tests.
- All difficulties, the allowance of Sustained Action tests and their time limits are at the Director's discretion, events should be thematically consistent with the Character's Reputation rank where possible.
- Magician
- Gain +2AP when performing as a magician.
- When making a performance, the character makes a Magician test opposed against the audience's collective Common Lore test. The Character earns 10 credits per 1AP advantage.
- It is possible for the Character to arrange a show, to be attended by NPCs. In this case the character begins by making a Convince test, opposed against the general public they seek to attend their show. As long as the Character has at least 1AP advantage, they may then roll a Magician test and combine the two results. The Character earns 25 credits per 1AP in the final result.
- For each successful show, the Character gains 1 Magician Reputation rank.
- For each Magician Reputation rank, the Character gains +5AP on Magician tests.
- All difficulties, the allowance of Sustained Action tests and their time limits are at the Director's discretion, events should be thematically consistent with the Character's Reputation rank where possible.
- Musician
- Gain +2AP when performing as a musician.
- When making a performance, the character makes a Musician test opposed against the audience's collective Perception test. The Character earns 10 credits per 1AP advantage.
- It is possible for the Character to arrange a show, to be attended by NPCs. In this case the character begins by making a Convince test, opposed against the general public they seek to attend their show. As long as the Character has at least 1AP advantage, they may then roll a Musician test and combine the two results. The Character earns 25 credits per 1AP in the final result.
- For each successful show, the Character gains 1 Musician Reputation rank.
- For each Musician Reputation rank, the Character gains +5AP on Musician tests.
- All difficulties, the allowance of Sustained Action tests and their time limits are at the Director's discretion, events should be thematically consistent with the Character's Reputation rank where possible.
- Vocalist
- Gain +2AP when performing as a vocalist.
- When making a performance, the character makes a Vocalist test opposed against the audience's collective Perception test. The Character earns 10 credits per 1AP advantage.
- It is possible for the Character to arrange a show, to be attended by NPCs. In this case the character begins by making a Convince test, opposed against the general public they seek to attend their show. As long as the Character has at least 1AP advantage, they may then roll a Musician test and combine the two results. The Character earns 25 credits per 1AP in the final result.
- For each successful show, the Character gains 1 Vocalist Reputation rank.
- For each Vocalist Reputation rank, the Character gains +5AP on Vocalist tests.
- All difficulties, the allowance of Sustained Action tests and their time limits are at the Director's discretion, events should be thematically consistent with the Character's Reputation rank where possible.